The right level of automation for your application needs
Jobs can offer multiple AUTOMATION possibilities thanks to dedicated solutions that reduce or eliminate downtime in tooling and workpiece changeover with, in particular:
- Gantry machine set-up for pendular machining
- Solution with double in-line table
- Solution with double parallel table
- Pallet change with single and double cradle shuttle
- Optimised and perfectly integrated modules for the creation of FMS systems customised to the end-user automation needs
- Robot applications for tool, pallet, and workpiece handling
- Integrated production management systems ranging from quite simple solutions up to solutions with production batch and machining phase management

Technical features
- Pallet tables from 1000x1000 mm to 10000x5000 mm
- Pallet load capacity from 1000 to 50000 Kg
- Roto-traversing tables in diverse sizes
- Pallet tables in several sizes and with customised part clamping surface
- Single or double cradle shuttle
- Buffer stations for pallet parking
- Part washing station
- CMM integration
- Customized and scaled cell manager
- Machining chips and coolant management
- Tool management integrated in FMS
- Remote surveillance systems